Search by image


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Search By Image

Search by image is a feature by using you can check similar pictures and photos from the internet. It is important to check your media around the internet so that you can get credit from those websites. Also sometimes people steal your data via some hacking tricks, you can also catch those people if they are using your pictures.

We respect our users: Any image you uploaded in our reverse picture search tool is 100% safe and secure. We do not share any of your photos publically and also do not save your content in our database. So there is nothing to worry about if you want to search for photos.

  • 100% Free: Our Photo Lookup tool is 100% Free, you can use it as much as you want
  • Upload Files: Use our Tool by directly uploading pictures from your PC or Mobile.
  • Top 3 Platforms: Use our Tool by directly uploading pictures from your PC or Mobile.

Best Reverse Image Search Tools

If you’re looking for other tools for reverse image search, we’ve got you covered. Here are some additional tools:

  1. TinEyeTo use this tool you’ll need to add the image link to the search bar to find a selection of websites and stores selling the same product as you. Over 19 billion images have been searched for on the platform since its inception making it a great resource for reverse image search.
  2. CTRLQ
    CTRLQ is a Google tool that allows you to upload your photo onto the platform and find who else has posted your image. After you upload an image, you can click “Show Matches” to find other websites with your picture. You’ll be directed to Google’s search page where you’ll be shown your exact picture on other websites.

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What is Yandex Reverse Image Search?

It is possible that the reason why you have not used this image search is that you do not know what Yandex Reverse Image Search is. Yandex is the Russian tech company focusing on Web related services and products.

Its search engine is the most used in Russia, with a market share of 65%. According to ComScore, it is the fourth worldwide most popular search engine in the world.

The Yandex reverse image search has proven to be more accurate and effective not only that of Google, but also that of other search engines, such as Bing or Yahoo.

At the time of showing the results, this search engine is based on an algorithm that analyzes the faces and objects present in the photos, data and related information of the images, as well as their relevance.

Thanks to this, Yandex is able to show not only the same images, but also images that contain the same face or the same object with much more precision than the solutions of the competition.

How Does Reverse Image Search Works?

Just like Google image search, any search by image tool with a multi service image search works by entering a sample or query image.

Our free online tool allows you to search for similar images with no difficulty at all. You simply have to upload a picture or enter a query image URL, and the tool will do the rest. Its functionality is very close to that of Google image search.

Like all the tools or engines for searching similar images, our results are also generated from various search engines like Google, Bing, and Yandex by fetching the images that match the query image. Using the reverse photo search technique and advanced methods, the calculated model is created for the sample image.

How to Do a Reverse Image Search on Google (Desktop)

Reverse image search works on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Once you have access to a browser, open Google Images.

2. Upload Your Image

If you found an image online that you would like to look up, one option before doing a reverse search is to save it to your desktop.


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Then, once you have opened up Google Images, go to the right side of the search bar and click the camera icon.

Upload your picture by either dragging and dropping it into the search area or by loading the file from your desktop.

Note: you can only search for one image at a time.

3. Upload the URL with the Photo

If the image is not saved to your desktop, you can also click on the Google image’s camera icon again to paste the photo’s URL.


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To get the photo’s URL, right-click the image with your mouse and select the option “open image in new tab.”

Highlight the URL in the website’s search bar and simultaneously hold down the “command” and “C” key to copy the text.

Then, click the “Paste image URL” tab.

Insert your copied URL into the available space.

4. Explore Your Results

Once you click “search,” you will see your uploaded photo at the top of the page along with some suggested keywords.

Next to the image, Google will also tell you if there are other sizes of the image available for you to download.

From there, you can explore similar images or websites that contain the photograph.

Reverse Image Search

No one does a reverse image search like and this is nothing like the standard Google image search like you may have read about. We use image meta data and proprietary technology that we scan millions of social profiles including the biggest social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even sites like forums and other online networking sites using a roundup of image searches so, you get the most publicly available results in one place. This ensures that you get the best coverage and most accurate results when checking for the same, public images of people across the internet. This is perfect if you are trying to verify if someone you’ve met online is really them and if you’re a photographer or model and want to make sure no one is stealing your pictures without attribution or paying you. Submit images in the search bar. Image searches usually take just a few minutes to complete.

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Apps for Reverse Image Search

If you prefer using apps for reverse image search, we’ve compiled a list of apps for you:

1. Search By Image

Search by Image is an app available on Android that helps you find similar images or pictures using either Google, Tineye, or Yandex reverse image search engine. Search by Image supports camera to capture the image, and also allows you to easily edit the image before searching. With the Image editor you can also rotate the image, flip it horizontally or vertically, and crop the image. Additionally, you have the option of opening shared images from other apps like Facebook, Twitter, your browser, etc., without having to save them.

Available on Android for free. 

2. Reversee

This reverse image app sends your pictures directly into the Google Images database to help you search for similar images. You can upgrade to the pro version for $3.99 and get results from Bing and Yandex as well.

Available on iOS for free. 

3. Photo Sherlock

This app provides search by image taken from your camera or an existing image in your gallery. Similar to the other apps, Photo Sherlock can be useful to find information about photos on Google, for example to detect the real owner or a photo from social network, or if you want to check if a photo is fake or original. It’s quite simple to use, with basic image searching functions, and allows you to crop the image before searching.

Available on iOS and Android for free. 

4. Veracity

With this app you can reverse search images by uploading through your camera roll, photo library or even uploading from Dropbox. You have the option to remove ads from the app with a $2.99 in-app purchase.

Available on iOS for free. 

Reverse Image Search: The Easy Way to Get Relevant Details About Images

There’s a ton of reasons why you’d want to know more about an image.


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  • You want to know if you can post it on your site.
  • You want to know who’s using your images.
  • You’re just curious about an image you like.

The good news is you can now do it with any browser or search engine you choose.

It’s easy to do on Mac or PC, iPhone or Android, mobile, or desktop.

Have fun!

More Resources:

  • How to Do a Reverse Google Image Search
  • The 10 Best Image Search Engines
  • Google SEO 101: Image Search Best Practices & Changes Over the Years

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, May 2020

Image Search Engines Are Bursting with Potential

Overall, image search engines are better than ever. Don’t settle for just one – use the tool that best suits your needs.


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Make sure you play around with keywords and search filters to find those hidden gems.

Furthermore, dare to stray from the confines of Google. You never know what you’ll find – you just might be pleasantly surprised.

More Resources:

  • The Rise of Visual Search: How Brands Can Adapt
  • 3 Creative Uses of Google Image Search to Boost Traffic & Acquire Links
  • 14 Great Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, March 2019

How to Combine Values on a Google Photos Search

This tip is probably one of the best for using Google Photos, and it’s also my personal favorite. Basically, all you have to do is combine two of the values mentioned above to create a more specific search term.

For example, typing «plant 2019» displays all the pictures I took during 2019 with plants in them. «Fall road» displays all fall-oriented pictures that feature a road.

If you want to search for people, type in your friend or family member’s name, plus the year or month that you took a picture of them. Searching «party Spain» displays results for parties that were geotagged to Spain, and so forth. You get the idea.

Best Reverse Image Search Tools

If you’re looking for other tools for reverse image search, we’ve got you covered. Here are some additional tools:

  1. TinEyeTo use this tool you’ll need to add the image link to the search bar to find a selection of websites and stores selling the same product as you. Over 19 billion images have been searched for on the platform since its inception making it a great resource for reverse image search.
  2. CTRLQ
    CTRLQ is a Google tool that allows you to upload your photo onto the platform and find who else has posted your image. After you upload an image, you can click “Show Matches” to find other websites with your picture. You’ll be directed to Google’s search page where you’ll be shown your exact picture on other websites.

Бесплатный поиск человека по фотографии в интернете

В настоящее время, поисковые системы, хранят и обрабатывают огромные объемы данных. Они имеют довольно «умные» алгоритмы, которые позволяют найти информацию, как в текстовом формате, так и в виде изображения. Найти человека через фотографию — это лишь один из немногих инструментов, которые предоставляют агрегаторы поиска информации. Наиболее популярными из них являются — Google, Яндекс, Tineye.

Как найти человека по фотографии в Google (Гугл)?

Один из самых популярных методов для идентификации человека по фотографии является поиск изображений в гугле. Сервис дает возможность находить фото по текстовому запросу (фамилии или имени, например) и в то же время позволяет использовать любую фотографию в качестве ключевого запроса, что бы находить похожие картинки со всего интернета: социальные сети, блоги, форумы, информационные сайты и любые другие интернет-ресурсы, которые прошли соответствующую индексацию в системе.

Поиск с помощью фотографии осуществляется таким образом:

1. Переходим на (сервис Гугл, где поиск происходит исключительно по картинкам):

2. Делаем щелчок мыши на значке фотоаппарата:

3. Перед нами появляется окно выбора удобного способа загрузки фотографии: указать ссылку на изображение или же загрузить с компьютера. Выбираем наиболее подходящий для Вас и нажимаем кнопку «Поиск по картинке»:

Другой возможный способ загрузки изображения — зажать его левой кнопкой мышь на каком-либо сайте или в папке на компьютере и поместить в строку поиска.

4. В результате обработки Вашего запроса с фотографией, Google, выдаст страницу подобного содержания:

Гугл имеет соответствующие алгоритмы, которые формируют предполагаемое имя человека или название предмета, наиболее популярные страницы и похожие изображения. Если опустить страницу несколько ниже, то можно увидеть список «страниц с подходящим изображением», где отображаются сайты на которых эта фотография фигурировала в том или ином виде:

Можете также посмотреть короткий ролик о том, как работает поиск по фотографии в гугл и что получается в результате:

Как найти человека по фотографии в Yandex (Яндекс)?

Стоит ли говорить, что сервис поиска изображений в интернете — Яндекс.Картинки не имеет принципиальной разницы от поиска изображений в Google? Однако не все так однозначно, несмотря на то, что сервисы работают по образу и подобию, они имеют отличия в оформлении сайтов (хотя это мало имеет значения, в данном случае), а также разный поисковый алгоритм работы, что позволяют находить в двух этих сервисах, разные сайты, где находятся та или иная фотография.

В данном случае, поиск с помощью фотографии, происходит таким образом:

1. Переходим на (сервис Яндекса, где поиск осуществляется только по картинкам):

2. Аналогично, как и в предыдущем сервисе, ищем значок фотоаппарата и делаем клик мышкой:

3. В результате, мы увидим строку выбора подходящего способа загрузки изображения, где нам, по-сути предлагают три варианта: выбрать файл на компьютере, ввести ссылку на фотографию или же просто перетащить изображения в строку поиска:

4. По итогу нашего выбора, будет сгенерирована страница с результатом поиска:

Как можно заметить Яндекс формирует менее информативную страницу, в отношении того, кто и, что на изображении, однако предоставляет более подробную информацию о фотографии: ее нынешние размеры, возможные альтернативы и похожие изображения. Как и в предыдущем случае, если пролистать страницу вниз можно видеть «сайты, где встречается картинка»:

Как найти человека по фотографии в TinEye (ТинАй)?

Еще одной из самых популярных поисковых систем, которая специализируется только на поиске изображений в интернете является — TinEye. Сервис, так же как и Google или Яндекс позволяет найти идентичную или похожую картинку с помощью Вашей фотографии, т.е. выполнить обратный поиск изображения. ТинАй постоянно совершает сканирование веб-страниц и добавляет новые изображения в свою базу. На момент написания статьи база сервиса составляет более 30,4 миллиарда изображений.

Выполнить поиск человека по фотографии онлайн и абсолютно бесплатно можно так же просто, как в Гугл и Yandex. Для этого требуется:

1. Перейти на, где на главной странице будет строка поиска:

2. Нажать кнопку загрузки изображения со стрелкой вверх или же внести ссылку на фотографию в соответствующее поле:

3. После того, как сервис проанализирует картинку мы получим результат: сервис либо найдем схожие элементы фотографии с уже существующими и покажет Вам их, либо же не найдет и мы увидим «0»:

В первом же случае, нам так же предоставляют список сайтов, на которых размещены фотографии:

More Google Photos Features Worth Exploring

Knowing that you can find any photo in seconds is evidence that Google’s search tools have extended way beyond their original purpose. We even recommend Google Photos over iCloud Photos, as Google Photos compensates for its minor flaws by offering you so many different ways to search.

However, the ability to search is not all Google Photos can do. Here are some amazing Google Photo features you probably didn’t know about.

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About The Author

Shianne Edelmayer
(138 Articles Published)

Shianne has a Bachelor’s Degree in Design and a background in podcasting. Now, she works as a Senior Writer and 2D Illustrator. She covers creative tech, entertainment, and productivity for MakeUseOf.

More From Shianne Edelmayer

The Best Image Search Engines

There are many image search engines in the world. Some are very broad and all encompassing, like Google and Yahoo, and some are niche and confined, like HONMedia. What these websites all have in common is a database of images that can be searched through using keywords, tags, or topics.

The best in the market are the ones that can provide the best match to a search query, and also have a large enough database to cater for their audience.

Here are the best image search engines that you can use:

  1. Google Images

    Have you always wanted to know how to search images on Google? Using Google Images you can search for images to use for your website, blog, ads, and other marketing content. While not all images found in Google images can be used for commercial purposes without permission, Google Images has an extensive collection for you to sort through.

    As the best image search engine in the market, you’ll find the most extensive collection of pictures on Google Images than any other platform. You can search for specific products such as kitchen utensils, or niches like running, which you can use in your business.

    How does Google image search work? With Google Images, you can sort through images of specific sizes, color, what type of image it is, and more, by simply typing in keywords. You can then sort images by their license by clicking Tools then Usage Rights. You’ll want to use an image that’s labeled for reuse. Images under that section can be used for blog posts, ads, or other marketing activities. You’ll notice that most of the images in these sections come from a variety of free stock photo sites.

  2. Yahoo Image Search comes in second place as one of the best image search engines because you can find great images for every niche. When you type your niche into the search bar you’ll be shown a variety of images. You’ll want to change the license, see top right corner, to include ‘free to share and use commercially’ or you can choose ‘free to modify, share and use commercially’ if you plan to modify images in any way. You’ll find professional lifestyle images, images on white backgrounds, graphics and more which you can use on your store.

  3. Bing Image Search is similar to Google Images and Yahoo Images so it’s another great picture search engine you can use to source images. Type your niche or what you need an image of into the Bing Image search bar. You’ll notice on the far right hand side there’s a Filter button. When you click it, you’ll see a dropdown appear. Click on License. You’ll want to choose images that are free for commercial use.

  4. PicSearch has a collection of 3 billion images it’s no wonder it’s one of the best image search engines. The image search engine sources pictures from a variety of websites. You can choose from lifestyle pictures to stock photos. You’ll still need to obtain permission to use the images on the platform as per the disclaimer on the footer of their website. However, you’ll know which website the pictures come from making it easy to contact for permission.

  5. Yandex is another free website with a large database of images to search. It’s the most popular search engine in Russia, but small compared to its competitors. If the database has nothing to satisfy the exact search, it will show similar images to the use. You can also use Yandex for reverse image search. 

  6. Pinterest visual search tool is a fun thing to play with. Different to most other tools you can zoom into a section of an image and reverse search this to find similar images, or pins. The fact that you don’t need to search the whole image makes this a very intriguing tool. To use it you need to sign in to Pinterest and start pinning things.

  7. Creative Commons is one of the most extensive image collections making it to the list of the best image search engines. You’ll be able to search images from a range of picture search engines such as Google Images, Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, and more. Whether you’re looking for a picture that represents your niche or of a famous celebrity, you’ll be sure to find images.

  8. Flickr

    Flickr is a unique image search engine. The majority of images come from amateur and professional photographers, who are sharing their work on Flickr. You can use a variety of different filters when searching for an image, and even follow people on Flickr or join groups. 

How to Do Reverse Image Search on TinEye

TinEye is the search engine where you can do quick, no-nonsense reverse image search.

To start, click the upload button on the left side of the search bar to browse from your desktop’s saved images.


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Or paste the image’s URL into the search bar.

You can also drag and drop an image from an open browser tab straight into the TinEye homepage!

When you’re done, you’ll get results like these.

The cool part is you can use a filter to search by image size, newest or oldest post, best match, and most changed.

You can also filter by domain or collection to narrow down your results.

Крепление штор на окне

Чтобы оконные шторы радовали глаз своим вдохновляющим видом, необходимо заранее продумать все до мельчайших подробностей. Как повесить штору на окно подскажут следующие советы:

  • Нужно знать точные замеры окна, расстояние от пола до потолка. От этих замеров зависит размер карниза, размерный ряд штор, объем ткани, который потребуется.
  • Необходимо убедиться в том, что выбранный карниз выдержит вес ткани, а также впишется в интерьер пространства.
  • Если есть домашние животные, необходимо убедиться, что длина шторы не позволяет ей спадать на пол, она должна слегка его касаться.
  • Тюль должна быть слегка короче штор.
  • Ширина шторы также зависит от ее фактуры, плотности и количества желаемых складок.
  • Размер кронштейна для карниза будет напрямую зависеть от наличия батарей и подоконника у окна.

Rules Before Using An Image

When using images for your blog content or ads, be sure to look at the image license. For example, if you want to use an image from Google Images, you’ll need to make sure that the image has been labelled for commercial reuse. Otherwise, you won’t have permission to use the photo. You can also buy photos from stock image websites to ensure that you have the rights to use the photo for your marketing.

You can use tools like TinEye and other image reverse tools to try to find the source of who created an image. Or when in doubt, you could take your own product photos to protect your business from any lawsuits. You could choose to take your own pictures or hire someone to do take your product photography.

Oberlo allows you to import images from AliExpress in one click. And while most suppliers have their own product images on their platform, some use customer images or images that belong to another company. It can sometimes be difficult to know who owns the copyright to the image you import to your store.

Be mindful of using product images for ads. While the images from a supplier can be great at converting for your store, if someone claims that you’re using their photo without permission you might be asked to remove it.

Why Use Search By Image?

How Does Search By Images Work?

Google Reverse Image Search helps you to easily find visually similar photos or images from all over the web. Upload a photo  from your desktop to Google Images and it will show you related images used on other websites, including various sizes of the same photo almost instantly and securely.
Just click the on the camera to upload your images and photos and we’ll do the rest. It’s as fast and simple as it sounds.

How to Spot Fake News

A picture is an easy way for fake news to spread, as it can appear real and trick the viewer.
This might occur through an altered image. By using a professional reverse search tool like, you can verify the source of the photo or image,
and see where it has been used.

Who Uses This Image Finder?

One example of people who can benefit from reverse image search are Journalists. Journalist  can use the image search option to find the original source of an image or to know the approximate date when a picture was first published on the Internet. Also, Photographers can use search by image feature to know about other websites that are using their photographs and get retribution for them. People who want to find objects or unfamiliar things in pictures. Finally, anybody who wants to verify that their photos are not being used without their permission can use this IMAGE FINDER.

Find Photos From Your Phone Or Mobile Devices

Search By Images is one of the best photo search apps because is useful on your Android, iPhone, or any other mobile device. Our Image search mobile tool allows you to verifying the source of photographs, WhatsApp images, screenshots and memes. Tinder and Facebook users have used «Search by Image» to research profile pictures of their potential dates, travelers use it for finding the photo’s location while matrimonial sites use reverse search to detect fake uploads.

Reverse Photo Search With Any Device

You can use our photo search tool free not only on your computer but also directly on your tablets and phones. You can use our reverse photo search on android to find similar pictures. Image finding from iPhone is also available.

Privacy and Security

Your images are deleted after your search is completed. We use encryption to protect your privacy. We also fully delete and scrub our databases of the images and photos searched on our service so you can use our image search upload tool with a peace of mind unlike other sites.

Bing Image Match

In March 2014, Microsoft’s very own search engine Bing came up with its very own reverse photo search tool dubbed ‘Bing Image Match‘. The user can either upload the image or add it using the hyperlink and Bing will return the matching search results. It’s as simple as any of its rival search engines. However, the search results weren’t as satisfying as Google Images or TinEye.

Back in 2016, Bing also brought its reverse image search capability in its iOS app. All you have to do is take a photo using the Bing app and it finds the similar images. Simple as that! One thing that limits this app is its non-availability in many countries.

Поиск места съемки фотографии через Google

Найти местоположение известных географических объектов можно с помощью сервиса Google-поиск по картинкам Этот ресурс использует данные, полученные с помощью нейронной сети PlaNet. Она разделила планету Земля на условные 26 000 зон и проанализировала множество фотографий, снятых в их пределах. На основе этих изображений был составлен «слепок» каждой территории. Обучение проводилось с использованием 120 млн фотографий с прикрепленными к ним геотегами.

По результатам анализа континент удается установить в половине случаев. Определить город можно для 10% запросов. Небольшой процент мест находится с точностью до улицы. Однако такие зоны как Сибирь практически не охвачены сетью PlaNet.

Чтобы найти место сделанной фотографии с большей вероятностью, делайте следующее:

Зайдите на сайт Гугл. Нажмите на кнопку Картинки, размещенную в правом верхнем углу главной страницы.

Загрузите картинку в систему через Поиск по картинкам.

Если результаты вас не удовлетворили, обрежьте наиболее примечательную часть фото. Например, заметное здание.

Загрузите снимок в поисковый сервис.
Просмотрите результаты.
Если удалось установить название объекта, загуглите его.
Отправляйтесь в Google Maps

Вбейте обнаруженный адрес.
Переключите карту в режим «Спутник».

Переведите отображение улиц в 3D.

Зажмите Ctrl и осмотрите объект.

Найдите, с какой стороны было снято привлекающее внимание здание.

Определите точку, из которой с большей долей вероятности была сделана фотография.

Кликните на нее, чтобы узнать точный адрес в Google Maps.

Если адрес указывает на большой дом, то придется еще установить точный этаж. Соотнесите высоту, на которой находятся достопримечательность и строение, из которого делался снимок. Затем просто прикиньте этаж «на глаз» или сверьтесь с выложенной в открытый доступ информацией. Если вы столкнулись с муниципальным зданием или доме, который выставлен на продажу, то легко обнаружите в интернете полезные сведения о высоте потолков.


It might look a little tricky, but it isn’t. Our image finder is straightforward and user-friendly that makes it very easy to use. Here are a few simple steps involved:

  • To get started have your query image ready and visit which is where you already are perhaps.
  • Upload the query image: a) from your device or b) by entering the URL of the image.

Now click on Search Similar Images button.

  • As soon as you hit the button, or smart tool will start processing your query image and digging up search engines for relevant information.
  • You will get the results from three top search engines: Google, Bing, and Yandex. Just click on “Check Images” to view the images on your preferred search engine.
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